AgileMD provides trusted point-of-care handbooks, clinical protocols, and care notes for partner organizations. Access is granted via invitation from your program director, chief resident, or medical director.
Today, over 80,000 physicians, residents, and medical students rely on AgileMD to improve the quality of care, reduce unnecessary utilization, and lower the risk of medical error.
With the AgileMD app, you and your team can:
• Access medical handbooks and resources offered by your organization
• Create pathways, protocols, and reference documents to share
• View all resources when working offline, without internet access
• Automatically sync changes when files are updated
• Submit feedback to resource authors and contributors
Contact our Support & Success Team:
Read our Terms of Service:
Read our Privacy Policy:
AgileMD menyediakan dipercaya point-of-perawatan buku pegangan, protokol klinis, dan catatan perawatan untuk organisasi mitra. Akses diberikan melalui undangan dari direktur Anda Program, residen kepala, atau direktur medis.
Hari ini, lebih dari 80.000 dokter, warga, dan mahasiswa kedokteran mengandalkan AgileMD untuk meningkatkan kualitas perawatan, mengurangi penggunaan yang tidak perlu, dan menurunkan risiko kesalahan medis.
Dengan aplikasi AgileMD, Anda dan tim Anda dapat:
• Akses buku pegangan medis dan sumber daya yang ditawarkan oleh organisasi Anda
• Buat jalur, protokol, dan dokumen referensi untuk berbagi
• Lihat semua sumber daya ketika bekerja secara offline, tanpa akses internet
• Secara otomatis sync perubahan ketika file diperbarui
• Menyerahkan umpan balik untuk penulis sumber daya dan kontributor
Hubungi Dukungan kami & Tim Sukses:
Baca Ketentuan Layanan kami:
Baca Kebijakan Privasi kami:
AgileMD provides trusted point-of-care handbooks, clinical protocols, and care notes for partner organizations. Access is granted via invitation from your program director, chief resident, or medical director.
Today, over 80,000 physicians, residents, and medical students rely on AgileMD to improve the quality of care, reduce unnecessary utilization, and lower the risk of medical error.
With the AgileMD app, you and your team can:
• Access medical handbooks and resources offered by your organization
• Create pathways, protocols, and reference documents to share
• View all resources when working offline, without internet access
• Automatically sync changes when files are updated
• Submit feedback to resource authors and contributors
Contact our Support & Success Team:
Read our Terms of Service:
Read our Privacy Policy: